OOG Announcements

Welcome to the team!

Over the past few months, Cos, Kristin, and Anthony have consistently gone above and beyond in the duties we’ve been assigning them as probationary cast members.  With their exemplary performance in mind, we’re proud to announce that as of this writing, they are to be considered full cast members, and are given the trust and access that implies.

Thank you on behalf of the game for bringing such Quality to our side of the curtain.

OOG Announcements

Cooking in the Tavern Kitchen

It has come to our attention that the rule about cooking in the tavern kitchen seems to have gone unenforced for a while, so we wanted to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

There is to be no cooking other than the official Saturday Night Dinner inside of the kitchen.  This is for various reasons, including but not limited to the fact that we’ve been getting negative feedback from the camp about the state of it following an event (likely due to high usage before and after the Saturday dinner), and the fact that being a commercial kitchen, an expensive fire suppression system is hooked up to it.  If that were to go off accidentally, it could cost the camp (and subsequently us) a great deal of money.

Fortunately, the guard house has a relatively new stove and microwave that are available for use, as well as many firepits around the camp.   Thank you for respecting this ruling and keeping the kitchen clear.


Pin of Regret (WCATSP Item 1, July 2017)

Pin of Regret

Hello all! All who attend this upcoming event shall be eligible for a drawing in order to win a magic item. This item will be auto-attuned, and ready to use for the next event you attend.

Pin of Regret

Shortly after Attalia was murdered by Ethali; Sigmund, the highest ranking of her celestials stepped forward to take her place.  He was granted the touch of the divine.  When she was resurrected, the touch of the divine was taken from him.

Sigmund would disappear for thousands of years, only for his name to be heard upon the lips of worshippers in the mid years of the 1100s.  In the Twin Kingdoms, the followers of Sigmund became increasingly aggressive over time, and a war was fought against them.  Make no mistake, however, not all followers of Sigmund spread his faith aggressively.  Many of them were farmers, people who wished to heal others.  Rumor has it the local magistrate even considered following him herself before his aggression became apparent.

Emory Quinn was among those who followed Sigmund during this time.  Emory was the ripe old age of 65 years old when Sigmund’s faith presented itself to him.  He lived a clean, honest life, and had made a great deal of money at a younger age, so he’d spend his days sitting on the porch of his house, overlooking the lake next to his house, and watching the day pass him by.

Emory had recently heard the call of the divine, and found that his life was made better by healing the sick and needy, when they came to his home.  Emory was too old to travel, and when clerics of Sigmund heard of him, they convinced him to join the church.

Emory never took part in the fighting that much of the followers of Sigmund took part in.  Emory was content to live on his porch, and heal those injured farmhands and sick children that came to him.

Word came to him that following Sigmund was no longer allowed, but Emory was a tough old man, and refused to budge.  Considering that the old man was still helping the needy in his small village, most overlooked it.

After Sigmund’s church was defeated and disbanded, still, Emory healed others.

One afternoon, as the sun was rising over the lake he lived near, a young handsome man approached him.  He introduced himself as Reus and sat down next to Emory. Strangers coming to visit Emory were a normal occurrence, so Emory spoke to him as if he was an old friend.  They spoke about life, about lost love, and about regret.  At no point did Reus ever ask for help from Emory.

As the sun began to set and the stars were beginning to show themselves, Reus stood.  He fell to his knees and began to weep into Emory’s chest.  Emory didn’t ask a word as to why the man was weeping.  He only comforted him until it passed. By now the sun had fully set.  Reus stood again, reaching into his pocket, and producing a small white pin.  He thanked Emory for being the kind man he was, embraced him tightly, and walked off into the night.

One week later, Emory passed from this realm into the next.  He had no next of kin, so his items were sold off.  Eventually this pin made it into your hands.


This item grants you the following abilities:

– Celestial Armor (x2/event): (“I grant you/myself celestial armor, 6 magic armor.”)

– Empowerment of the Celestials (x2/event): (“I grant you/myself empowerment of the celestials, 6 magic health.”)

– Celestial Healing, Greater (x2/event): (“I heal your/my body 10 health.”)

– This item is Soulbound.


“We Couldn’t Agree on a Title Summer Promotion” (WCATSP) “wuh-CATS-puh” [2017]


Welcome to the 2nd Year of our yearly summer promotion hereby known as the:

“We Couldn’t Agree on a Title Summer Promotion”
– or WCATSP for short. (“Wuh-CATS-puh”)


This special promotion celebrates our 15th season of RoA.

This promotion lasts JULY – AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2017


*New Player Weekends*

  • Any new player to RoA will be admitted at half price – $10.
  • All new players will receive an “Adventurer’s Starter” package. This will include several useful potions and sundries to help get them started!
  • All character point recruitment awards will be DOUBLED for new players recruited.
    • 2 character points will be added to your bank immediately following the event in question.
    • After someone you refer has attended 3 games, an additional 2 character points will be added to your bank immediately following the event in question and that person will be counted towards your lifetime recruitment total.
  • If you bring a NEW cast member as either a temp cast with the intention of going player later OR with the intent on possibly becoming full cast, you will get 2 character points per cast member you bring. They must cast the whole weekend for this to count.


*Benefits for ALL players, new and old!*

  • Buy 2 get 1 free CP!
  • If you buy 2 buy in points for any of the 3 “We Couldn’t Agree on a Title Summer Promotion,” you will get an extra, free point that can be used rules free. You may do this for each event you attend.  (This will become effective from the points usable in the July-August Update.)
  • Each of the (3) “We Couldn’t Agree on a Title Summer Promotion” events we will raffle off a single item. We will try to post what this item will be in advance of the event. Every player who attends as either player OR temp cast will get a single entry into the raffle for the item. This will be drawn at game off and given to the winner. In the case of magic items, these will be pre-attuned and can be used at the following event.
  • For each event you attend during the WCATSP promotion you will earn WCATSP Points. You shall earn 3 WCATSP Points for the first and second events you attend, and 4 WCATSP Points for the third event you attend. A cumulative total of 10 possible WCATSP Points are possible if you attend all three events.
  • If you are unable to attend a Realms of Adventure Event in person, you WILL be eligible for the WCATSP Points if you purchase 3 points under the Missed Events Program.


If you have questions not covered, please send them to and we will answer them as quick as possible. We look forward to seeing you all at game!


Download the 2017 WCATSP Rewards Sheet here!




OOG Announcements Rules Changes

Touching: Consensual or Otherwise


Since RoA’s inception, it has had a no touching rule.  This past event, we heard a few reports that it was being violated in some places.  In the reports we heard, people were physically restraining or grabbing others.  This should never have occurred.

Effective immediately, and going forward, touching shall only occur at the game by explicit consent. The ONLY physical contact that should occur is with express prior consent of both individuals, and this consent may be revoked at any time whatsoever. The standard should be assumed that consent is NOT given, unless a specific verbal consent for a specified action or event is given.

Effects that have been permitted per the rules in the past, such as bandaging with first aid, intercept with a light touch on the shoulder, or standard boffer combat, are not affected by this ruling. This ruling is only applicable to anything further or beyond that. As always, if one cannot be struck with a boffer weapon or anything else, then the yellow arm band rule would apply here instead.


Consent may be gained by saying “Clarify: Consent?” (With a response of “Clarify: Yes/No”)  and revoked by saying “Clarify: Revoked.”  

Nobody should be made to feel pressured to say yes in this situation, and should absolutely not be pressured to change their decision should it be no.


We have added the above ruling to allow consensual physical roleplaying to happen, such as a checking a pulse with mundane healing by touching an individual’s wrist along with the action.

We wish to reiterate however, that the incidents that happened this previous game constitute non-consensual physical role playing, an unacceptable practice, and one we are expecting our members of the community to avoid going forward.

We understand that often in the heat of the moment and roleplay these things may be hard to avoid, but this rule must be adhered to.  It is our community’s responsibility (and therefore the responsibility of EVERYONE that attends) to ensure that nobody is made to feel unsafe, and given the dedication and consideration I have seen from our player base in the past, I am confident that this previous behavior will be corrected going forward.



Addendum: Clarifications – 07/06/17

Implied Consent

If you offer someone a hand or a high five, and they accept that hand, there is implied consent because they have accepted the gesture. If someone offers you a hand for a handshake and you shake it, there is unspoken consent for that action. There is no need to break the RP to Clarify something as simple as that. If they want to not shake your hand, they won’t, nor are they obligated to. If you offer to help them up off the ground, it is their choice to accept it or not. If they don’t, you should not take it personally.

To be clear: If someone offers you a hand to help you up from the ground, if they offer you a hand for a handshake, if they open up their arms for a hug, etc., then if you do not feel comfortable, you are under no obligation to engage in these actions nor should you feel pressured to. Also, it is against the spirit of these rules to give implied consent and then turn around and accuse the other person of breaking the rules. If you feel uncomfortable with the contact, then do not engage in it.



If you know someone well and have an understanding with them prior, you do not need to Clarify: Consent each and every time since the two of you have already spoken of it. However, if they tell you Clarify: Consent Revoked, regardless of your previous arrangement, you must respect that. Any further contact past that without regaining consent is in violation of the contact rules.

If you see two people engaging in RP and you did not see them ask for Consent, it is not your place to call them out or break their RP. Consent is between persons A & B and they may already have a standing agreement. The Consent rule is not in place for people to start policing casual contact between consenting individuals.


Final Notes

You are NOT going to get in trouble for being friendly with your significant others and friends.

The rule is clearly meant to extend rather than restrict. It is not meant to take away anything already there.

OOG Announcements Rules Changes

Selling OOG Food For IG Money

After a lengthy discussion, it is the decision of the Development group that selling FOOD OR DRINK items ONLY acquired out of game  for in-game currency is acceptable.  Food or Drink items that do not have an in-game effect are NOT considered to be lootable items in or out of game.  In the case of a oog food as a physrep to accompany a food slip, the slip is lootable, but the food itself is not. (For Example, if you have a chunk of real life bread, and a slip for Hearty Bread, only the slip is lootable, not the actual bread. Should you loot the slip, the SLIP will still have the full effect, but not the physrep bread)

During the discussion about this situation, concern over whether people could turn around and buy out of game props came up.  We’d like to emphasize above that the ruling applies ONLY to food and drink items.  You may NOT bring props (including costume jewelry, boffer weapons, pouches, etc.) to game to sell for in-game currency.

We understand that there will likely be questions as to why we came to this ruling, so we’ll attempt to list our reasoning here:  We are of the firm belief that creating an environment where players are encouraged to prepare food and drink for the enhancement of the game and its atmosphere is a good thing.  The benefit, we believe, is that the currency wouldn’t be created from nothing.  It would in nearly all but the most minimal of cases be money flowing from player to player.  No new money is being introduced into the economy. The increased flow of currency doesn’t take away from what someone would already buy from a merchant, and the seller of that food now has disposable income to spend on things that other people would be selling.

As with all major rulings we make, we will be closely monitoring the situation to determine if a reversal or change needs to be made.

OOG Announcements Rules Changes

Crafting Drop Off / Pick Up Times and Crafting Rundown

Session 1

  •   1 pm Noon Saturday – Drop Off
  •   3 pm Saturday – Pick up at Moriarty’s

 Session 2

  •   11 pm Saturday – Drop Off
  •   1 am Saturday – Pick up at Moriarty’s

Session 3

  •   By End of Game – Drop Off
  •   Pick up Following Event at Check-in



Each purchase of tier 1 gathering (up to an initial max of 10; exception being Merchant/Artisan) makes up your gathering times per crafting period. Costs for Each skill are as such:

Skill Bard Cleric Fighter Mage Merchant/
Monk Rogue Scholar Shaman Self- Taught Max
Gathering: Farmer 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/
Gathering: Fisher 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/
Gathering: Harvesting 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/
Gathering: Hunter 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/
Gathering: Logger 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/
Gathering: Miner 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/
Gathering: Naturalist 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/
Gathering: Scrounger 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 Yes 10, 15 if Merchant/

Gathering : Tier 2

Requirement: 10 purchases of a single gathering skill at the tier 1 level.

Max Purchases: 4

At first purchase, this will turn your tier 1 gathering into a pool. This allows you to spend 5 purchases of tier 1 gathering to gather a single tier 2 resource. Additional purchases after the first purchase of this skill reduce that number by 1 to a minimum of 2 uses consumed per tier 2 resource gathered. As an added bonus, the first purchase will reduce your gathering time by 1 minute for all gathering per tier 1 gathering skill consumed.

Gathering : Tier 3

Requirement: 4 purchases of a single gathering skill at the tier 2 level.

Max Purchases: 4

This allows you to spend 6 purchases of tier 1 gathering to gather a single tier 3 resource. Additional purchases after the first purchase of this skill reduce that number by 1 to a minimum of 3 uses consumed per tier 3 resource gathered. As an added bonus, the first purchase will reduce your gathering time by 1 minute for all gathering per tier 1 gathering skill consumed.

Gathering : Tier 4

Requirement: 4 purchases of a single gathering skill at the tier 3 level, and 15 purchases of a single gathering skill at the tier 1 level.

Max Purchases: 4

This allows you to spend 7 purchases of tier 1 gathering to gather a single tier 4 resource. Additional purchases after the first purchase of this skill reduce that number by 1 to a minimum of 4 uses consumed per tier 4 resource gathered. As an added bonus, the first purchase will reduce your gathering time by 1 minute for all gathering per tier 1 gathering skill consumed.

Gathering : Tier 5

Requirement: 4 purchases of a single gathering skill at the tier 4 level.

Max Purchases: 1

Unlike previous tier gathering, tier 5 is a single purchase skill that allows the player to gather from tier 5 nodes and caches. It cannot be used to go out and roleplay gathering tier 5 resources. As an added bonus, the first purchase will reduce your gathering time by 1 minute for all gathering per tier 1 gathering skill consumed.

How nodes and caches work:

The tier indicates what tier of gathering the character MUST possess in order to gather from that node or cache. If the tier is higher than what your character has access to, they may not gather from that cache or node regardless of how many purchases of tier 1 gathering the character possesses.

The level indicates how many purchases of tier 1 gathering the character must possess to even access the node or cache at all. This number will vary anywhere from 1 to 20. If you have 10 purchases of tier 1 gathering and access to tier 3 gathering, but come across a node that requires tier 1 gathering but level 15, you would not be able to gather the node or cache.

Skilled Gatherer (single purchase, requires 15 purchases of tier 1 gathering and 4 purchases of tier 3 gathering for merchant artisans, OR for non-merchant artisans requires 10 purchases of tier 1 gathering and 4 purchases of tier 3 gathering) – This will allow you to purchase up to an additional 5 tier 1 gathering skills. If you are a merchant artisan, this means your cap is raised to 20. If you are not a merchant-artisan, then your cap is raised to 15 instead. 5 points for merchant artisan, 8 points for non-merchant artisans.

Gathering costs: +1 per tier, so if your gathering skill costs 4 per tier 1 purchase, it would be 5 for tier 2, 6 for tier 3, and 7 for tier 4. If your gathering skill costs 3 per tier 1 purchase, it would be 4 for tier 2, 5 for tier 3, and 6 for tier 4.

Gathering tier 5 is single purchase, and costs 8 for tier 5 for merchant artisans, and 14 for non-merchant artisans.


If an item is being enhanced, it does not need to be noted on the crafting/gathering sheet, and can be done as often as you have the resources to do so. Ordinarily, these effects will ONLY last until the end of the event it’s done in. The resources used still must be handed in when you hand in your crafting/gathering folder and sheet. Examples of this are weapon and armor improvements through weaponsmith and armorsmith, as well as room effects such as room traps and room improvements from trapcrafter and carpentry.

If an item is being created, then it must be noted on your crafting/gathering sheet, and the resources must be turned in with the folder. You will then receive the items created at the pickup point. Examples of this are food and drink created with chef or brewer, as well as tools made by carpentry and blacksmithing.

OOG Announcements

Starting on Time

As for those of you present at the post-game meeting from our most recent event know, we have made a promise to you that we will seriously step up our game when it comes to the matter of start times.

In accordance with that, we are going to be presenting the following time line that it is our intention to follow strictly:


5:30 PM: On site to the camp (Due to day camp delay)

6:00 PM: Check-in

9:00 PM: Newbie Meeting

9:30 PM: Front Gate Closed

10:00 PM: General Meeting

10:30 PM: Game On (EDIT: To note, check-in will still be accepted after game on starts or the gate is closed.  We’re just asking anyone who arrives after this time to check in at logistics, and get changed in the mod building, which we’re setting aside specifically for this purpose.  We just don’t want a bunch of people walking through the game carting their stuff in their normal oog clothes.)


One of the best points we’ve heard is that the game should be treated as a theater.  The curtain rises at a certain time, and that is that.

The above being said, we want to try and accommodate late arrivals better than previously.  We’re going to be making the main mod building area a place where people can get changed privately and get themselves ready to go into game.  We are asking that people be as quiet as they can when utilizing this location to get ready for game.  (This also goes for transporting stuff there.)

If you come across the gate closed, DO NOT open it to allow your car to go through “just for a minute” or for any other reason.  We will have to treat this situation harshly as it could endanger others. (EDIT: There was a bit of confusion here: If you find yourself on the inside of the gate after it has been closed, you MAY open the gate to let yourself out, but you MUST close it behind your car immediately after passing through.)

The general meeting attendance is MANDATORY.  Important pre-game announcements including identification of current yellow arm band players as well as clarifications or entirely new keywords/systems have been announced there.  Seasoned players must still attend.


In-Game Rumors

Rumors for the Elder’s Moon, 1117


    • A graveyard a few towns over was ransacked.  Bodies were dug up and remains were strewn about.  The oddest part though?  When they gathered the remains back together, all of the skulls seemed to be missing.
    • Scarlet Scarves have been seen leading expeditions into the Whispering Woods in the direction of what is believed to be the source of the infernal attacks.
    • Two more Agorians were found hanging in the woods outside of the Oake’s Farmstead.  The Oakes are not suspected of being involved.
    • There will not be a New Calendale Chronicle printed for the Elder’s Moon due to a series of unfortunate accidents culminating in the main printing center of the New Calendale Chronicle burning down.  Mary Beth Charity has been seen apologizing to the owner of the building, Lorton Ranite.
    • King Leopold is considering cancelling The Tournament of the Two Rulers, which is supposed to take place during The Solstice Moon.
    • The investigators into those responsible for the murder of the late Baron Orsiv Istivan have recently unearthed important and potentially damning information.
    • A noble from Vondara has reportedly bought the late Baron Istivan’s land from his remaining heirs.
    • Lonnie Lester has been tasked with tracking down the Red-haired pirate captain of The Wife’s Fury.
    • Several townsfolk claim to have been attacked by a large brown-furred creature as they walked along the roads.
    • Local Romani suspected in string of thefts.  It is believed that there is a Kelonian with red fur leading this group.
    • The Collective of Krev is in final talks with King Leopold to begin operating in an official capacity managing legitimate bounties and the hunters thereof.
    • A traveller, who had arrived from the northwest, claimed to have been saved from orcs by a large creature made of some sort of metal.



Upcoming Events

2017 Event Dates

Event Dates for 2017

Feb 24 – 26, 2017
April 7 – 9, 2017
May 19 – 21, 2017
June 16 – 18, 2017
July 7 – 9, 2017
August 18 – 20, 2017
September 22 – 24, 2017
October 27 – 29, 2017