Final Death & Retirement

Rules For Making A New Character When An Old One Dies Or Retires

    If you decide to retire your character, OR when your character unfortunately passes into Negoro’s realm for their final visit, you will be given the opportunity to make a new one. The formula for the new character is 55 points + 5 if you write a background (for a possible 60) + 40% of all EARNED character points rounded up. Earned points are defined as any points gained for your character above and beyond the initial starting 55 or 60. Please note however that any BANKED earned points are not affected. In other words if they are banked you do not lose them. When generating your new character you may not access all of the banked points at once. This is done for game balance reasons. You may access a maximum of 6 points from your bank per event as per the normal rules of banked points. The normal rules are only 6 points may be withdrawn from the bank per event attended and may be used in addition to any points earned that event including service point conversions. The ONLY exception to this rule is in the event a player wished to purchase a second (or third) class OR SINGLE skill that costs in excess of 12 points. In this case they may draw up to the amount needed to purchase that class or skill. IE – if the player wished to purchase a skill that cost 20 character points, and had access to that skill, they would be permitted to draw 14 character points from their bank as opposed to the usual 6. This is the ONLY exception and it must be for ONE CLASS OR SKILL, AND ONE PURCHASE of said skill. In this way you couldn’t buy a 20 point skill 4 times in one shot simply because your bank would allow for it or buy a second class and several skills.

Some examples of how this might work out…

A) Character A dies and is a 200 point character with no points banked. 200 – 60 = 140 earned points. This leaves character A with 56 points (140*0.4) which will be added to their bank. The new character will start at 55 + 5 (if you write a background that is approved within 2 events of playing that character not including the event in which it was generated) + 6 = 66 points with 50 remaining in the bank.

B) Character B retires and is a 907 point character with no points banked. 907 – 60 = 847 earned points. This leaves character B with 339 points (847*0.4 = 338.8 rounded up to 339), which will be added to their bank. The new character will start at 55 + 5 + 6 = 66 points with 333 remaining in the bank.

C) Character C dies and is an 450 point character with 15 points banked. 450 – 60 = 390 earned points. This leaves character C with 171 points (390*0.4 = 156 + the 15 already in the bank for a total of 171), which will be added to their bank. The new character will start at 55 + 5 + 6 = 66 points with 165 remaining in the bank.