
The Butterfly of Golden Silk (WCATSP Item 1, July 2016)

Hello all! All who attend this upcoming event shall be eligible for a drawing in order to win a magic item. This item will be auto-attuned, and ready to use for the next event you attend.

Butterfly of Golden Silk

The Fae have a story among them that goes as follows: A beautiful pixie was walking through the woods one day when she came upon a small brown caterpillar that seemed to be in distress. In much the way as they do in these sorts of stories, the caterpillar spoke,

“Please help me! A hungry bird has seen me, and won’t leave me be!”

Intrigued, the Pixie picked up the caterpillar and put it in her pocket, vowing to help it.

For the next few hours, a great sparrow swooped at the pixie and pecked at her hair and pockets, trying to get at the caterpillar there. Eventually, the bird gave up, and flew away. The pixie went to check on her caterpillar friend only to discover that the caterpillar had spun a beautiful golden cocoon. The pixie decided she would continue to protect the creature.

After a few days, This beautiful golden butterfly soon emerged from the cocoon, and spoke in its own beautiful voice, “Thank you! Thank you! I shall now repay the same kindness you repaid me!”
The Golden Butterfly protected the pixie for many years to come.

When the pixie became old and grey, the butterfly told her it would continue to repay the kindness and protection it was shown to all that gave it shelter, and so it has, for many years. Should you win this item, it shall protect you too.

This item bestows the following abilities:

– Slow (“I slow your pace to a walk, 10 minutes.”) x2/event

– Mystic Web (“I cover you with a mystic web, root feet and bind arms 5 minutes.”) x2/event

– Grasping Roots (“By the Fae, I root your feet to the ground, 10 minutes.” (Throw 5 Packets like Fireball) ) 2x/Event.

-This item is Soulbound.

Rules Changes

Archery and Thrown Update – (Ranged)

UPDATE: 6-15-16

Thank you to those who contacted us both publicly and privately to give us feedback on the recent ranged system changes. The Dev Group has met again on these changes and with your feedback taken into consideration have decided the following: Packet Archery is officially reinstated into the system with the following particulars: Packet Archery may only be used every 5 seconds, and skill calls may not be used within 10 feet of the target. (This is in order to preserve the same capability that a bow/real arrow user would normally have. The idea is not to give an advantage to packet archery that actual bow/arrow crossbow/bolt users do not have). Further, ALL Bow and Crossbow combinations (Both nerf, packet, and actual arrows/bolts) will have their damage upped to 3 across the board. (Note: Thrown weapons will STILL only do one damage, this is an increase in base damage to packet archery and nerf arrows.)

The consolidation of the ranged skills is remaining in effect. Thank you again for all of your feedback!


Original Post

In light of the feedback that we have received, we have decided to REMOVE packet archery from the system entirely. All skills that previously applied to the archery tree or the thrown tree exclusively now apply to ALL ranged abilities.  What this means is, if you already have pierce thrown or pierce missile, you could use those pierces interchangeably with either weapon type.  Going forward, Pierce: Thrown and Pierce: Missile shall have their skill names changed to Pierce: Ranged.

When delivering NON-base list skills with a thrown weapon, you must wait 5 seconds in between each skill call.  This does NOT apply to poison, as poison is not a skill.  Bows and Crossbows may still deliver skills as quickly as they can fire.




Plot Events

Long Live the King

The following has been posted onto the in-game message boards, as well as any other public message boards in the surrounding area.  All of the below may be considered as in-game knowledge by any character travelling through or residing in the area.


By Order of Baron Alexavier Ravenholm
By Order of Baron Alexavier Ravenholm



The following pieces of parchment have begun to circulate in the areas and towns surrounding New Calendale.  Hundreds upon hundreds of copies are being distributed by the couriers guild to as many homes as they can get to.  It is clear that this information is meant to be given to everyone.  All character are considered to have access to this information.


Vondara - The Capital City Herald 23rd Day of the Elder's Moon, 1116
Vondara – The Capital City Herald 23rd Day of the Elder’s Moon, 1116






In-Game Rumors

Rumors for the Elder’s Moon, 1116

If your character ended last game in Larigmoore, they may have heard the Larigmoore rumors (but should not have heard the New Calendale rumors.)

If your character ended last game in New Calendale or was NOT present at last game (and therefore, ended in New Calendale), they may have heard the New Calendale Rumors. (And should not have heard the Larigmoore Rumors)

Larigmoore Rumors

  • Some soldiers have been overheard voicing concerns that the Licensed Necromancer currently in control of the undead is simply using the Twin Kingdoms military to wipe out any rivals to his power before he turns on the populace. Some are even going so far as to say that he used enchantment magic to enthrall the Twin Kingdoms official that gave him permission to control them in the first place.
  • Some believe that there are spies working for the necromancers among those gathering for the upcoming assault against the center of the city, and that the entire thing will be one elaborate trap.
  • Some soldiers have simply been disappearing in the night. It is unclear whether or not these are deserters or if something worse is at work.
  • Some are supposedly making a killing (in coin) as a result of all of this conflict in Larigmoore. What if they’ve been causing conflicts like these in order to benefit?
  • The efforts of those assisting in Larigmoore have not gone unnoticed, and those efforts are going to make the reconstruction as a whole much smoother once the undead menace has been eradicated.
  • An official from the mages’ guild supposedly confirmed that the Necromancer at the center of this may be a remnant from Mahotuk’s army.

New Calendale Rumors

  • The Elemental Storm in the north seems to have stopped growing in size, though none save for the Romani have been approaching it closely.
  • Local dockmaster killed by strange creatures that came from the sea. (Though it was emphasized that they were NOT Sea Elves.)
  • The Jeredithian Inquisition recently took command of a small guard outpost nearby New Calendale, declaring it to be a new Field Outpost for the organization.
  • Jebediah to be hanged for the murder of his wife and her lover Hugo.
  • Strange metal creature seen walking through the woods northeast of New Calendale. It fled when approached, and seemed to be heading north.
  • Emerald Scarf Exams reportedly cancelled last moon because of several individuals caught cheating on the exam. All exams thrown out. Retest to be issued soon.
  • Citizens concerned that Aldorin ambassador is merely scout for invading Aldorin force.
  • Local drunk Lonnie Lester claims a blue-eyed wraith appeared in his house, tore it apart in a seeming attempt to find something, and left. Most believe he was simply drunk and angry since his wife left.
  • While Mary-Beth Charity was visiting Linda Sue’s home, Mary-Beth Charity accidentally knocked over a lantern. Most of Linda Sue’s home was burned to the ground. The Church of Attalia is accepting donations in labor, materials, or coin to assist in the rebuilding of her home.
  • Insane farmer seen wandering the area, claiming to be herding invisible sheep.
  • The town of Duncaster has been massacred by unknown forces. All that are left of the people who lived there are bodies. The Town Hall building believed to be where the massacre took place was covered in blood. Among the bodies, a parchment bearing the words, “ We shouldn’t have gotten involved in their war.” could be found.
  • A dangerous peeping tom was spotted in the area of The Temple of Attalia.