William of the North

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  • #29061

    There are a great number of things to do besides lounging in the tavern. Last moon was my first event and I barely stayed by the tavern; the beach, the forge, and the large shady tree by the tavern seem to be some of the most popular places if you're looking for a place to rest and just socialize.-Alex


    That's hilarious!


    So I just ordered my clothes and sword, I'm very excited and very nervous. Anything I can do to practice before the event?


    Ha, didn't think about that. It said on the race page that there are blank spaces for a reason so I kinda ran with that a bit.


    I'm fairly fit, I box, lift, run, and play airsoft. The only difference between this and airsoft is the weight is distributed differently, I could hold my rifle all day and my vest keeps anything on my person evenly distributed weight wise. But this seems different, since the bulk of weight is in my hand, and if I buy the armor I want, on my shoulders. I hadn't planned on wearing leg armor so the weight, if any would be concentrated on my arms and upper body. Though I wasn't really planning on wearing any armor to my first event, it's fairly expensive stuff.


    Thanks guys, in case any of you were wondering it was this shield http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/p-20893-stark-infantry-shield.aspx it's actually only 12 pounds, which doesn't seem that heavy for a rather large piece of steel. I was going to get it as an art piece, but if it doubles as protection from goblinoids and bandits all the better.


    Quick question: are real pieces of armor better in game that say hand made stuff? Like is a real 14 pound steel shield (which I'm probably getting as an art piece anyway) better than making a plywood one?


    Thanks so much, guys. I already PM'ed Mike about my character's backstory, though it is sadly not finished :(. I am also probably going to order my clothing/costume in the next few days, I'm thinking of going minimalistic for now, simple shirt, pants and boots and a sword and shield (shield maybe, the one I want is a bit pricey right now as I just started my new job.) Would I be over buying if I got two pairs of pants and two shirts considering most of the events are two days?

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