Below you will the various downloadable forms and guides Realms of Adventure has to offer. In time we will be adding more content to this page so be sure to check back soon! Many of the files will be in .pdf format. If you need a copy of Adobe Acrobat to read the files you can download it for free at If you wish to save these files you can right click on the link and choose “Save Target As” from the pop up box. Be sure to remember the location you saved the file to! Enjoy!
New Player/Character submission form – This form needs to be filled out before you join us for your first adventure. It is best to mail us this form so we can have your character all ready for you at check in, but you may also fill it out and bring it to the event with you.
Waiver/Legal Consent form – This form needs to be filled out before you join us for your first adventure. It is best to mail us this form so we can file it before you arrive, but you may also fill it out and bring it to the event with you. You may NOT participate in any RoA events unless you have this form on file!! If you are under 18 you MUST also have the bottom section filled out by your parent or legal guardian. Because of legal reasons we cannot allow you to play if we do not have this form and you must be able to present proof of age and identity (license or birth certificate). Sorry, we cannot under any circumstances bend or break this rule. Please get this taken care of ahead of time!
Boffer Weapon Construction Guide – This informative guide includes pictures to help guide you through making your own RoA safe boffer weapons.