Alchemy is the process by which various items can be combined to make potions. In a typical weekend of foraging at ROA, players will find alchemical components represented by artificial flowers, plants, animals and fungi. These components are used in various potions. Real, living plants and animals have no alchemical effects and should be left undisturbed where they are found. Every time the alchemy skill is purchased, the character will get one Alchemy point. Every potion has an associated cost in Alchemy points to make. When players have sufficient Alchemy points for a given potion they may learn that recipe. Players with this skill will purchase/receive alchemical recipes indicating what components can be combined to make what potions. In order to learn a new recipe more Alchemy points must be purchased and you must learn the recipe via teaching, schematics, or some other means. Characters may begin the game with the knowledge of any of the potions on the basic list, and will receive one potion of each type that they know how to make. There are dozens more potions waiting to be discovered in-game by the industrious player. Components will be traded in at the end of the weekend, and potions will be received at the beginning of the following weekend. When crafting a potion, gel, or compound in game, the base time to craft it is 10 minutes, and this crafting time may never be lowered below 1 minute per potion, gel, or compound. Once you have roleplaying the making of the poison, it should be noted on your commodity report at the appropriate times (see the crafting & gathering section for more information on this), hand in the components used along with the commodity report, and you will receive the poisons made at the next pickup time.
At Realms of Adventure, magic is everywhere. Because of this, seemingly normal components when properly mixed or prepared can produce magical effects. These magical effects are released when one uses the mixtures concocted by Alchemy. There are three types of Alchemical creations at RoA, potions, gels, and compounds (Occasionally you may also come across a vial containing a preserved component). Potions are the most traditional form of Alchemy and must be drunk in order to take effect on the drinker. Gels are applied to a person or object. Compounds are (usually volatile) mixtures that when opened begin a magical reaction. This last form of creation is usually hurled as a missile weapon. After you remove the tag and read the incant, throw a spell packet to represent this. Please do not throw the vial. If a potion is opened it is considered to have been used by the person opening it and will take immediate effect upon that individual. In the case of gels, once they are opened they are considered to be used and take immediate effect upon the opener or intended recipient. Compounds last for 5 minutes once opened, and if not used in that time they are wasted. If any of the above alchemical creations are opened in the dark and you cannot read the tag, it is considered that it was accidentally dropped in the darkness and wasted. You may NEVER open any alchemical creation and read the tag before choosing whether or not to use it. Once it is opened it is considered used. There are skills and abilities possessed by experienced alchemists that can identify alchemical creations for you without using them (often for a fee). If you find a strange alchemical vial in your travels, seek one of these people out.
Most components, like flora and fauna, will die and their magic will dissipate if they are not used after they are harvested. For this reason ALL alchemical components (except preserved ones) must be handed in at alchemical checkout at the end of the event in which they were found. If you are unable to use a particular component you may wish to try and sell it or trade it for something you can use. Potions, gels, compounds, and preserved components last indefinitely so long as they are not opened.
The starting list for potions new alchemists can enter the game knowing are listed below. You will see the name of the potion, followed by the cost in Alchemy points, and a brief description of its effect. If you start out with knowledge of Alchemy you should receive both the recipes to any potions you selected, as well as an Alchemy Packet. If you are missing either of these items please let someone on staff know before game.
- Awaken – 1 – As the Awaken spell, this will immediately awaken a sleeping or unconscious target. This spell works on normal and magical sleep brought upon by exhaustion, poison, venom, spell, potion, or waylay.
- Communication – 1 – Allows everyone within earshot of the target to speak and understand any spoken language for 10 minutes.
- Itching Powder – 1- Compound that functions as the Fae spell Itch. This compound causes the victim to itch uncontrollably for 30 seconds.
- Empowerment – 1- Grants 4 points of magical health to the drinker.
- Explosive Compound, Lesser – 1- Compound that when thrown causes 3 damage to the target.
- Healing, Minor – 1 – Heals 1 point of health to a wounded drinker.
- Mana Restoration, Minor – 1 – Restores 1 point of mana to the drinker.
- Natural Armor, Minor – 1 – Grants 2 points of natural armor to the user.
- Speak with Spirit – 1 – Allows the drinker to converse with a spirit on its way to Negoro.
Poison Craft is the process by which various items can be combined to make poisons. This process and Alchemy are very closely related. In a typical weekend of foraging at RoA, players will find alchemical components represented by artificial flowers, plants, animals and fungi. These components may be used in various poisons. Real, living plants and animals have no alchemical effects and should be left undisturbed where they are found. Every time this skill is purchased, the character will get 1 Poison Craft point. Every poison has an associated cost in Poison Craft points to make. When players have sufficient Poison Craft points for a given poison they may learn that recipe. Players with this skill will purchase/receive poison recipes indicating what components can be combined to make what poisons. In order to learn a new recipe more Poison Craft points must be purchased and you must learn the recipe via teaching, scrolls of knowledge or some other means. Characters may begin the game with the knowledge of any of the poisons on the basic list. There are many more poisons waiting to be discovered in-game to the industrious player. When crafting a potion, gel, or compound in game, the base time to craft it is 10 minutes, and this crafting time may never be lowered below 1 minute per potion, gel, or compound. Once you have roleplaying the making of the poison, it should be noted on your commodity report at the appropriate times (see the crafting & gathering section for more information on this), hand in the components used along with the commodity report, and you will receive the poisons made at the next pickup time.
At Realms of Adventure, there are many types of poisons. Some of the types you may find are Blade Poison, Contact Poison, and Oral Poison. Blade poison as the name suggests, is used on bladed weapons and will cause the effect stated, or for regular Blade Poison, death if it strikes an unarmored opponent as per the rules for poison, found in the “Combat Calls” section. Contact Poison is represented by Vaseline® or other petroleum jelly. If you touch an object and feel petroleum jelly on your hand, or it comes into contact with bare skin in any way you are considered poisoned. Oral poison is the type that must be eaten or put into a drink or food. Oral poisons are represented by Mike & Ikes®. If you are eating or drinking something and find a Mike & Ike® or one that has been partially melted, you are considered to have been poisoned. If you look around in your drink or food for oral poison without the use of a Purify spell you are considered to have been poisoned as well. Occasionally your drink or food may be tainted by some other type of poison and is not inherently obvious. Should this be the case, a cast member will observe you and inform you as to what effects are suffered upon consuming the poisoned substance.
Most components, like flora and fauna, will die and their magic will dissipate if they are not used after they are harvested. For this reason ALL alchemical components (except preserved ones) must be handed in at alchemical checkout at the end of the event in which they were found. If you are unable to use a particular component you may wish to try and sell it or trade it for something you can use. Poisons last indefinitely so long as they are not opened.
A starting poison crafter may only pick their knowledge from the basic types of poisons. There are many other types of poisons you can learn in game if you find the right sources of information. If you start out with knowledge of Poison Crafting, you should receive the recipes to any poisons you have selected. If you are missing any recipes you are supposed to know, please let someone on staff know before game. As with Alchemy below is a list of the starting poisons and their associated costs in Poison Crafting points. At the onset all poisons have the same overall effects on the target as described in the “Combat Calls” section of the rules.
- Itching Powder – Cost: 1, Compound that functions as the Fae spell Itch. This compound causes the victim to itch uncontrollably for 30 seconds.
- Blindness Blade Poison – Cost: 1, Can be applied to a blade with the apply poison skill, allows 1 strike of “Blindness Poison, 1 minute!”
- Pain Blade Poison – Cost: 1, Can be applied to a blade with the apply poison skill, allows 1 strike of “Pain Poison, 10 seconds!”
- Weakness Blade Poison – Cost: 1, Can be applied to a blade with the apply poison skill, allows 1 strike of “Weakness Poison, 10 minutes!”
- Feeblemind Blade Poison – Cost: 1, Can be applied to a blade with the apply poison skill, allows 1 strike of “Feelbemind Poison, 10 minutes!”