PEL Test PEl Test for Rodolfo Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email * Player Name *Character Name *----- Favorite Section ----- *1) Friday Night2) Saturday (Before Dinner)3) Saturday (After Dinner)4) Sunday----- Favorite Section Why ----- *Which was the most enjoyable "section" of the event, and why? ----- Highlights ----- *(What were your favorite parts? Who did you encounter or interact with? What things did you most enjoy?) ----- Lowlights ----- *(What things did you like the least? What could be improved to make events more enjoyable in the future?) ----- Character Goals: Short Term ----- *This section will help us to design encounters and adventures for you in future events. ----- Character Goals: Long Term ----- *This section will help us to design encounters and adventures for you in future events. ----- Exceptional Roleplaying ----- *(If so, how and why?) ----- New Characters ----- *(For example, "I want to worship Oleandra so it would be cool if there was a priest of Oleandra in game that I could talk to.") ----- Dinner ----- *(If not, was there any particular reason why? Any comments or suggestions for the dinner crew?) ----- Owed By Staff ----- *(This might include things such as crafting chits, decoders, recipes, research, and spell tabs, but may also include other examples such as never receiving a tabard despite having been on the town guard for several years.) ----- Questions For Staff ----- *(This section is for out-of-game rules questions such as "does magic armor block a poisoned blade?" Do not ask questions such as "what kind of magic do I need to kill a troll", as these questions will usually be ignored or you will be told to find out in game.) ----- Additional Comments ----- *(Please try to reserve this space for things not already covered above.) WebsiteSubmit PEL