- This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 9 months ago by .
Hey guys. I had a friend who came to his first event have some confusion with the flow of the event. I thought I'd give you all a quick rundown, so you know what to better expect. People tend to start showing up on Friday around 2pm. During the Summer months, we're not allowed to show up until 5pm. People start setting up their campsites, and helping cast set up the camp with props and such for service points. During most of the year, tents are set up for us. Just pick one and move on in. Announcements will be made if tents are not available. During the day, you're going to want to Check In. A table will be set up in the Tavern where a Staff member will be sitting. Inform them that you're new, and they'll set you up. Make sure you have your character background, or you'll miss out on 3 Character Points. It is FAR better to email your character background ahead of time however.Once things have settled down, probably around 8pm or so, Cast will begin the New Player Meeting. This is a mandatory meeting for all new players who have attended less than four events. It is mandatory. Mandatory means you have to be there. There, the cast or staff member running the meeting will go over the rules of the game. You have to go to this meeting. After that comes the General Meeting. Everyone should be at the general meeting, where they will cover some of the things covered in the New Player meeting, plus general announcements (what's going on in game, changes or updates made to the rules, etc.). After the General Meeting, brand new players (or players whose characters are brand new this event) will be asked to gather for the New Player module. You'll be sent on a small quest where you will likely engage in some light combat. We like baptism by fire. At some point, the horn will blow (You'll hear it, trust me). This signifies GAME ON. At that time, we are all considered to be exclusively in character. Remember that this game aims for a fully immersive roleplay experience. You ARE your character, now. There is no X-Box, there is no Aqua Teen Hunger Force, there is no Street Fighter. Typically, game runs until 4am, when another horn will blow. After 3am, it will be considered safe for you to go to bed. Before 3am, if you go to bed, you might be murdered in your sleep. It happens. When the horn blows, we are considered Out of Game. It'll be pretty Pavlovian after a while; you'll just "Shut Off" when the horn blows, say "Booyah, bed time," and go to bed. You'll get up probably around 8am, to get yourself dressed, brushed, bathed, and breakfast'd. The horn goes off at 9am, and we're back in game all day, until 3 or 4am Sunday morning. At 4pm Saturday, you'll hear the same horn. Don't be fooled; game is still on. This horn signifies the Skill Refresh. All mana/chords/piety/favor will be restored, as well as all PER PERIOD skills (slay, disable, parry, etc.), but NOT health or armor. This should not be considered an excuse to blow all your mana right before 4pm (WHO NEEDS HEALING?!) or drag your ass to a mod if it's 3:45 (Hold on, have to tie my shoes...). At some point during the event, you're going to be expected to do two hours of monster duty. There's a signup sheet during Check-In that you must sign. Monster duty is mandatory. Mandatory means you have to do it, or you will not receive credit for the event. Typically you'll be given orc masks (or zombie, gnoll, kobold, whatever), orc stats, weapons, and told to follow the nearest cast member and kill PCs willy-nilly. Everybody does monster duty. If you have a REAL DOCUMENTED MEDICAL PROBLEM with latex, please bring this documentation, or you will be forced to wear a latex mask. There's a thread about it in the OOG boards that goes further into detail. Monster duty is a lot of fun. Game starts again Sunday morning at 9am. Assume you're in game if the horn doesn't go off exactly at 9am. Game tends to end Sunday between 12 and 2pm. The horn sounds again. Everyone meets in the tavern for the end of event meeting, where we talk about the event, pat each other on the back, and more importantly, sign up for Clean Up Duty. Clean Up Duty is mandatory. Mandatory means you have to do it, or you won't get credit for the event. There will be a sign-up sheet that everyone rushes to get in line for. Do your job and nobody will get hurt. Make sure to clean up your campsite first (and get your food or whatever out of the guard house, and your stuff out of the tavern) and pack everything else up before you start clean up duty. It makes cleanup much, much smoother. Cleanup tends to end between 5:00 and 6:00pm. It ends earlier if you do your job, you slacker. After cleanup is over, we Check Out. You'll be given some worksheets. Everyone fills out an End of Event Worksheet. If you do scrollcraft, alchemy(or poisoncraft), or magic item attunement, there are worksheets for those also. Make sure to ask for them. Again you'll wait in line, stuff all your forms into your packet, and hand your packet back to whoever is doing check out. After check out is completely finished and Ranger Ron has given us the Okay, we are cleared to leave. Usually when we leave, many of us go to a nearby Diner for the next several hours and joke and tell stories about the event. We don't usually get out of the Diner until 10pm (or much later). The diner is optional, but it's a lot of fun. After the event is over and you're home, you're going to want to fill out a Post Event Letter (PEL). It's a form on the website that asks you some questions (How was your event, what are your character's goals, etc.). You get 3 Character Points for filling out this form, so don't miss it. You can access send it to mike and craig, both at realmsofadventure.net. Once you've filled out your Post Event Letter, you should consider a few things. If you're planning to come back, make sure to Pre-register. You can do so through Paypal via this page: https://realmsofadventure.net/Event_info/Event_registration.cfm Note that this page also includes "Character Point Buy-in." Yes, for just $10 a point, you can purchase an additional two character points per event that you can spend immediately. You can purchase no more than two character points per event. Additionally, you can turn in 150 service points for 1 character point, to an additional maximum of 2. That's 4 extra character points, and a maximum of 10 character points per event. Once you've done all that, you're going to want to do your update. The OOG boards has a thread all about updating. Just do what it says, and you should be absolutely fine. The last and most important thing is to then go and tell your non-LARPer friends how great an event you had, and try to get them to come. This part is mandatory. I hope this helps give people a better understanding of what goes on here. If anybody has any thoughts, any questions or anything to add, it'd be much appreciated.
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